About Us

Dr Shajer Memon

Is an Optometrist, Licensed integrative medicine practitioner, life coach, educator, researcher, author, gold medalist and student.

Our Model

Research and Innovation

At Noorayn Integrative Optometry, our journey begins with an unwavering commitment to research and innovation. Our team meticulously reviews the latest scientific literature, explores holistic approaches, and develops evidence-based practices that integrate the best of modern optometry and alternative therapies. By bridging traditional and innovative methods, we ensure our practice evolves continuously to serve the community better. Through our blogs, articles, and website updates, we share insights from our research to educate practitioners, patients, and the wider community. Our goal is to make integrative optometry accessible and understandable, fostering a community that values holistic eye health and wellness. Stay updated with our latest findings and actionable advice for a healthier vision and life.

Education and Awareness

Empowering individuals with knowledge is at the heart of our mission. At Noorayn Integrative Optometry, we offer comprehensive courses designed for everyone—practitioners, students, and anyone passionate about holistic eye health. These courses are tailored to provide actionable insights from our research, enabling participants to understand and apply integrative optometry principles in their lives or practice. 

Implementation and Patient Care

Our work extends beyond research and education into practical application. We support practitioners in integrating our methods into their practices with tailored guidance, training, and resources. Additionally, our patient care services focus on offering personalized, integrative treatment plans that address not only visual health but also overall well-being. Together, we aim to make holistic eye care a reality for all.

Our Books

Healing Glaucoma: Natural Medicine for Self-Healing

Subtitled Natural Medicine for Self-Healing, this book is an encyclopedic study guide, a download of the compiled research and experience of an eye doctor with thirty years experience on the front lines of holistic medicine. Dr. Swartwout has even included specific remedy and source suggestions in this heavily expanded third edition. In depth coverage has been added of multiple areas that will be of interest to the inquiring clinician and even clinical researchers will find new perspectives worthy of investigation. The book draws on an extremely wide range of effective therapies from around the world including European Biological Medicine. Detailed coverage is now included on reversing AGE (Advanced Glycation Endproducts) as well as an eye opening perspective on antioxidants, a section...

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Better Eyesight Without Glasses

An updated and revised edition detailing the 'Bates method', a technique which claims to the retrain the eye so contact lenses and glasses are no longer needed. The method aims to restore sight by using exercises to relax the eye muscles before retraining the eyes to focus effectively. Prescription glasses act as a prop for the muscles in your eyes and so, over time, the muscles actually get weaker. In fact, in the long term, glasses can only ever weaken your eyes. But, with the Bates Method you can retrain the eye muscles to work again, and perhaps even learn to do without glasses altogether. The Bates Method works two-folds, firstly with a series of exercises that relax and soothe the eye muscles, and secondly, retrains the relaxed eyes to focus effectively. The exercises are simple a...

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Practicing Integrative Optometry: Seeing Beyond the Eyes

In today's environment, where the prevalence of chronic eye problems is increasing, Optometry faces a need for novel approaches that go beyond symptoms. Dr. Shajer underlines that integrative Optometry bridges this gap by addressing not only ocular symptoms but also the underlying causes, taking into account each patient's lifestyle, nutrition, mental well-being, and other health concerns. Practising Integrative Optometry envisions a future in which Optometrists can go beyond symptom-based treatment to promote overall wellness. This book is both a practical guide and an inspiration, encouraging practitioners to raise their standards of care and actively shape the changing area of healthcare. Dr. Shajer uses integrative Optometry to demonstrate how treating the eye in harmony with the body leads to long-term, preventative vision treatment that benefits patients' eyes and overall quality of life...

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Development Of A Novel Digital Eye Strain Scoring Index
Purpose : In the absence of a comprehensive assessment tool for digital eye strain, a new digital eye strain scoringindex (DESSI) is proposed and its development is presented. Methods : Thorough literature search helped identify the best and most reliable measures for the assessment ofmost observed...
Assessment Of Digital Eye Strain With The Digital Eye Strain Scoring Index (Dessi)
Purpose : The purpose of this study is to assess digital eye strain (DES) with the help of the digital eye strain scoring index (DESSI) in the urban population. Methods : The subjects were carefully selected with no ocular or systemic problems that may alter the study results and prior written consent...